Meille, the clothing brand created by Louanne, founder and designer. Her journey in the fashion field began with training in fashion design and pattern making specializing in warp and weft.
Over the years, she has gained diverse experience in different aspects of the fashion industry. She worked in Production and styling offices. She also held the position of Image Manager and Shooting Stylist, which allowed her to develop styling skills.
Creating clothes is a passion that she has had since high school. What she loves most is designing and imagining unique pieces that meet specific needs. She is constantly inspired by her own desires and aspirations.
It was this quest for unique pieces that pushed her to create her own clothing brand. With Meille, she wishes to share her passion for shapes and stylistic associations while preserving her creative freedom. Every garment you find here is the result of careful thought and attention to detail.
Better is a story of tastes, shapes, and sharing around clothing. Length, oversize, volume, play on textures, graphic materials even better if it's checks or stripes,... Here we like beautiful pieces worked with upcycled materials so as not to clutter more our planet. And best of all, everything is produced in France, close to Paris.
Clothing as therapy. Pieces with a nonchalant look and studied in an upgraded simplicity to reveal themselves and assert themselves over time.
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